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1. Singing circle in Rastatt 

Location: Rastatt

Date: 03/23/2019  at 8 p.m

Mantras, Chants & Meditation 

Soon it will be time, if you feel like chanting, singing, silence, rest, relaxation, be with yourself, be with yourself, arrive, be in a circle, be free, be wild, be ecstatic, is cordially invited

Come as you are. You are perfect just the way you are.

I'm happy for you.

Address when registering by email or phone.


Queen Masterclass - Awaken the Queen in you

Location: Baden-Baden/ Rastatt

Awaken the temple of your Femininity, the source of your  being, the queen in you.

Every woman is unique and WONDERFUL. 

Become who you really are.....

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Summer Solstice Fire


Location: Baden-Baden

We celebrate in this ceremony  the high time, the longest day of the year, the fullness, the joy, the solar power, the light.

In connection to our highest source, we activate our abilities.

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moon fire

date follows

Location: Baden-Baden

New moon and full moon have certain powers that depend on the star chartconstellation  particularly support our projects. We want to use this magic power to make our female connection an den life cycle  to strengthen and transform.

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